composed for Splinter Reeds, commissioned through The Walden School Faculty Commissioning Project
SUPERLATIVES for chorus (2021)
reimagined for The Walden School Young Musicians Program chorus, taught to the chorus and rehearsed in collaboration with Sarah Riskind
Please excuse the video quality! It’s webcam footage from a livestream—it was 2021 and we were learning :)
SUPERLATIVES for Synthesizers (2021)
reimagined for synthesizers in collaboration with Oberlin Synthesizer Ensemble, for SEAMUS Conference 2021
Program Notes:
SUPERLATIVES is about competition and music, and the spectrum between silliness and seriousness. The score consists of 66 cells containing superlatives, which the performers move through according to their own paths and paces. The performers must balance between completing the cells to the best of their ability and trying to outdo the other performers.
If you’d like to purchase a copy of the score, please contact me via email or through my contact/links page.
-Performed by the Walden School Young Musicians Program chorus under the guidance of choral director Sarah Riskind (Dublin, New Hampshire), July 2021
-Selected for performance by Oberlin Synthesizer Ensemble, Society for Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) 2021 Virtual National Conference, April 2021
-Selected in 2017 Call for Scores and performed by Ghost Ensemble at The DiMenna Center for Classical Music (New York, New York) and Center for New Music (San Francisco, California), 2017-2018 concert season
-World premiere by Splinter Reeds at the Walden School Young Musicians Program (video above) (Dublin, New Hampshire), July 2017
Find more about Splinter Reeds: and Ghost Ensemble:
And the Walden School: