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International Alliance for Women in Music Conference performance

Call & (Her) Response: Music in the Time of Change

When: June 2-4, 2022

Where: Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon

I will be presenting my work its being is in it alone as part of the virtual listening gallery for the IAWM conference. Tune in here here.

More info about the conference:

Hosted by Oregon State University on their campus between June 2 through 4, 2022, the International Alliance for Women in Music, in association with OSU’s College of  Liberal Arts and the Office of Academic Affairs, the conference will be an in-person event with virtual satellite events from across the globe.

This conference will bring together people (women AND men) who celebrate Women in Music and challenge, and transform our future with cutting-edge music, music technology, and innovative scholarship resulting in increased visibility, opportunities, and connections. We are creating a collective and community-based cultural happening to elevate, celebrate, and situate female and female identified creatives in music with all kinds of experiences, from all different places and music-making spaces.The submissions included those taking risks to chart new ground, unheard voices advocating for sound practitioners and makers; those reimagining equity and inclusion in the world of making music and curation, and those reaching back to advocate for students, friends, colleagues, and the next generation.