a substance less palpable than air (2023)

for TAK Ensemble, commissioned through The Walden School Faculty Commissioning Project


Originally titled 3 moments for walkhumans, a substance less palpable than air explores themes of ritual, interface, and machines by having 5 humans embody the functions of a Byron Statics AM/FM Radio, Recorder, and Cassette player. The three movements performed here are: radio, interface, and circuit.

The text is fragments of “The Witch’s Tale: Graveyard Mansion” from oldtimeradiodownloads.com, and “The Shadow: The Man Who Murdered Time” from oldradioworld.com, sourced with gratitude. 

This piece was commissioned through The Walden School Faculty Commissioning Project and premiered at the Walden School Young Musicians Program (Dublin, New Hampshire) in July 2023.

Find more about TAK Ensemble: takensemble.com

And the Walden School: waldenschool.org